SPR (VIMH): Hi guys, congrats on your future new album “For Tomorrow” (will be released in 2020 or early 2021, already 3 singles from the album out. “Escape”, “Hope” and “Electric Love”)
SPR (VIMH): What is the significance of naming an album after “For Tomorrow” name?
REAVEN: (answered by Romeo, lead singer-guitarist of the band): “It’s all about the future, positive values and benevolence, hope I think. We need that more than ever…”
SPR (VIMH): What do the lyrics talk about? Which are your major lyrics’ influences?
REAVEN: “I tried for this album, to express my thoughts about how we need to stay strong all together, to look in the same direction. In this complicated time, we have to fight rough feelings and hope for better days. My major lyrics’ influences is really life in general, what I observe, what I feel, what is around us…”
SPR (VIMH): Which are those elements that separate your new album from your previous albums?
REAVEN: “Experience I think. To me this album is a mix of our musical influences + the results of years of practice and compositions.”
SPR (VIMH): How would you characterize “For Tomorrow” and what are your expectations from the new album?
REAVEN: “I think it will be a very colourful and powerful album. And I really hope that people will see it this way.”
SPR (VIMH): How did the cooperation with your Records occur? How’s working with them and how much has he/she helped you on the whole?
REAVEN: “Actually, we are now back on the independent recording market. We wanted to have a proper control over the production.”
SPR (VIMH): How’s the fans’ reactions been to the new songs on your live shows so far?
REAVEN: "The few songs we already played live from the new album have been a real success. We felt right away the connection with the audience on these new songs. So we felt good ahah”
SPR (VIMH): Do you prefer to be on the road or on the studio writing and recording?
REAVEN: “Very different feelings but if I had to choose one. On the road, without a doubt.”
SPR (VIMH): How did you come up with the name Reaven initially?
REAVEN: “After writing thousands of words ahah And we all had to agree on it so it was complicated… It’s the mix of “rêve” in french, that means “dream” and “heaven”, a place where all the musicians go when they’re on stage I think ahah (But you pronounce it “R-ee-ven” in fact)
SPR (VIMH): How would you describe your music style to someone that hasn’t heard of you before?
REAVEN: “We have a very personal rock sound, mixed with a colourful pop. And we pay a lot attention to the melodies. And we change a lot the atmospheres from one song to another.”
SPR (VIMH): Which do you consider to be the best male & female vocalist in metal history?
REAVEN: “Very good question actually. there are so many, even not famous ones.”
SPR (VIMH): Which is the record you wish you had written and why?
REAVEN: ”Because” from The Beatles. Cause it’s pure harmony. Almost divine with the voices.”
SPR (VIMH): Were you obliged to give just one album to extraterrestrials that would represent the whole human music, which album would it be and from which band/artist?
REAVEN: “The White Album” from The Beatles.”
SPR (VIMH): If you had the chance to travel in time… where would you choose to go? To the past or the future and why?
REAVEN: “To the past without a doubt. I am so disappointed I didn’t live during the Woodstock period…”
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